Holistic Beauty and Wellness Training

Training of Ayurvedic (face & body) massage techniques and secrets of Holistic Healing. 

 10 session intensive learning program 

Session 1

• Head massages Shirodhara & shiro abhyanga, 

• Facial massage Mukha abhyanga 

Session 2

Ayurvedic treatments and massage therapy:

 • Traditional Ayurvedic body massage - Abhyanga

• Examine the client by Ayurvedic methods of Wellness diagnostic:

Analysis (body and mental constitution).

Session 3

• Honey body massage Abhishek.

• Analysis of the metabolic process in the body.

Complete history of present health condition, diet and lifestyle of the client.

Session 4

Nasya - nasal therapy 

Nasya medicine preparation 

Lifestyle advice:

Daily routine for self healing, exercise, yoga, breathing, meditation recommendation.

Advisement of herbal supplements, spices and ayurvedic beauty products.

Session 5

Udvartana herbal massage

•Way of elimination the toxins from the body’s tissue.

 How to educate our client to become healthy by natural way - daily routine, cooking, Ayurvedic home remedies.

Session 6

• Gem stone massage Ratnabhyanga, 

• Chakra system, essential body, energy flow in the human body and mind.

Spiritual and emotional counseling: Meditation for mental and emotional health. Help with healing of food/taste addictions. Mindful eating and cooking. Help and support behavioral health and addiction problems.

Session 7

• Pinda-Swedana is a traditional treatment with herbal or rice and milk

Session 8

• Herbal powder Udwartana detox Massage,

• Steam therapy Swedana Therapy 

Management of the Pitta Dosha

Session 9

• Marma Therapy.

Main principles of Biological Rejuvenation Therapy:

Determine the Imbalances.

Rejuvenation therapy for all organs and systems in the body.

Session 10

• Medicated oil/herbal application Basti,

. Management of the Vata Dosha

Course Curriculum

The Truth About Panchakarma

Feeling sluggish, depressed, unmotivated? Having difficulty with emotional issues, digestion or concentration? You may benefit dramatically from panchakarma: detoxifying through Ayurveda. Panchakarma (translated as five cleansing actions in Sanskrit) is a gentle, yet profound purification therapy, designed to reduce the body of toxins (and balance doshic function), which cause disease and discomfort. Feeling good already? Panchakarma is supreme for disease prevention and life extension and is the heart of healing with Ayurvedic medicine.

When the energetic forces known as vata, pitta, and kapha get out of balance, it lowers our digestive fire (agni), and toxins (ama) are created. The ama enters into the blood stream, clogging the channels, and lodges into joints, muscles, organs, and reproductive tissue, etc. This is detrimental to our prana (life-force or energy), tejas (metabolic energy), and ojas (immunity).

When using Ayurveda to heal, we can choose palliative care—which includes diet, meditation, yoga, pranayama, herbs, etc.—and/or take a deeper path and commit to a thorough cleanse/detox. Cleansing enables us to get to the root of imbalances—rather than reducing symptoms—and has the ability to heal chronic conditions.

For thousands of years, Ayurveda has emphasized that the stress created by our minds directly affects the gastrointestinal tract, causing inflammation and slow digestion, ultimately creating ama. The ama causes us to hold on to emotionally-driven habits that ultimately lead to disease and imbalance. Detoxing with panchakarma allows us to unravel these patterns, increase our energy and mental clarity, and move forward with our dharma and our dreams. Panchakarma resets digestion and allows the body to do what it’s supposed to—detox naturally.

We lose the ability to self-detoxify when we eat hard-to-digest foods, are overworked, and stressed out.

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Detox & weight control with udvartana

Udvartan is one of the best therapy in Ayuredic treatments for weight loss. It is a deep tissue massage using ayurvedic herbal powders.

In this procedure, the body may be coated with herbal oils and then herbal powders called Choornams are rubbed forcibly on the body in the upward direction. The massage techniaues are performed by applying suitable pressure so as to break down the fat under the skin.The herbal powder is applied and the massage is done for about 60 minutes. This is concluded by complete rest of half an hour in steam therapy followed by bath.

By generating heat through massage, this treatment melts the excess fat that is accumalated in the body. It improves the blood circulation, rejuvenates the body and improves skin texture. Certain skin diseases can be treated with Udvartan.

There are mainly two types of Udvartanam

  • Snigadh or Sneha
  • Ruksha

Snigadh Udvartan is massage with dry powder and medicated oils. This type of massage is very helpful in improving the skin texture and is recommended for skin rejuvenation and certain skin diseases. Ruksha Udvartan is done only with dry powders. Since the massage is rough and dry, it helps in reducing weight and kapha Dosha.

There are many benefits of Udvartan. Some of them are stated below:

  • Helpful in calming the Kapha Dosha
  • Reduces the excess fat accumalation in the skin
  • Strengthens the muscles by toning them and exfoliates the dead cells in the skin
  • Improves blood circulation which leads to reduction in cholesterol and helps in achieving a good rate of metabolism
  • The joints become more flexible
  • Eliminates body odor
  • Also beneficial in treating Rheumatoid Arthritis as it reduces Kapha and Ama

However , Udvartan should be avoided in the folliwing cases:

  • Dry Skin and skin with cuts and other injuries. People suffering from eczema
  • Pregnant women and children under 10
  • Post Ayurvedic Panchakarma

Udvartan is an excellent therapy for weight loss but the results of such massage vary from person to person. After thoroughly analysing the lifestyle pattern of the person cooncerned, therapist chooses a combination of herbs and oils that would yield the specific resulta one is looking for.

A holistic approach to weight loss goes a long way in maintaining good health. It is generally recommended to follow a balanced diet along with regular physical exercises. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle and include walking or any form of physical activity as part of a daily routine. Yoga helps in maintaining the perfect mind-body balance. All these along with Udvartan helps in weight loss.

Abhyanga oil full body massage

Ayurvedic Massage

Abhyanga should be resorted to daily. It wards off old age, exertion, and aggravation of vata. 

— Ashtanga Hrdayam: Sutrasthana: II: 8-9

Massage. When we hear that word, many of us picture a luxurious spa treatment reserved for special occasions. In Ayurveda, however, the practice of abhyanga(Ayurvedic massage with oil) is recommended daily. Fortunately, there is a more accessible alternative to professional massage therapy when it comes to enjoying the nourishing benefits of abhyanga every day—massaging yourself.

Oil massage may sound like a messy and complicated process best left to the spa, but once you’ve learned the basics, self-massage with oil starts to become second-nature and well worth the effort. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of abhyanga, which oils to use, and how you can tailor your self-massage practice to balance each dosha. If you don’t yet know your own unique Ayurvedic body type and current state of balance, take our free dosha quiz to learn more about what type of massage will most benefit you.

Why Is Massage Recommended in Ayurveda?

The act of massage itself melts away tension and stress from the muscles. Ayurveda believes that these inherent Ayurvedic massage benefits are further enhanced with the addition of an Ayurvedic massage oil. Health benefits from implementing a daily oil rub into your morning or evening routine include:

  • Musculoskeletal and nervous system health
  • Proper circulation and lymph drainage
  • Improved sleep patterns
  • Softer, stronger skin
  • Healthy vision
  • Graceful aging
  • Lustrous hair
  • Firm, strong limbs
  • Tone and vigor for the body’s tissues
  • Increased longevity
  • Nourishment for the whole body

In Sanskrit, the word sneha can be translated as both “oil” and “love.” So in Ayurveda, there is an inherent connection between enveloping the body in oil and enveloping it in love. Both experiences can give a deep feeling of stability, warmth, and comfort. Sneha—oil and love—is sukshma, or “subtle.” This allows it to pass through minute channels in the body and penetrate deep layers of tissue (dhatus).

Shirodhara head oil massage - stress relive & rejuvenation

shirodhara, a profoundly meditative treatment of warm herbal oil poured slowly in a continuous stream to the third eye. Shirodhara promotes a sense of deep relaxation, calms the central nervous system, and synchronizes thought waves. Each day will end with a consultation to monitor your progress and guide you through a safe and supportive retreat.